Bee Pollen Health Benefits and Bee Pollen Vitamins

In recent years many people mention the bee pollen supplements and how effective it is over a person's health and mood. So, is there any truth about the bee pollen health benefits that so many people claim that have felt after consuming pollen bee?

Well the organic pollen bee is actually created by plants (flowering plants, to be more accurate). The pollen gets stuck to the legs of the bee that's landed on the particular flower (and various different parts of the bee when it is gathering honeydew from the plants) and as the bee eventually comes back to the hive, it brings with it the famous honeybee pollen.

Despite the fact that many people think that bee pollen products were only recently started to be produced (like bee propolis), the Chinese people have been using bees pollen as a great natural medicine for a long and were enjoying its health benefits ever since. Countries located in the east are known to be taking advantage of natural materials to produce products that can function as a medicine, a cosmetic product and other life improving materials.

Moreover, the pollen bee is sometimes called "perfect food of nature" and it's also called "superfood of nature" and the reason behind it is probably the fact that organic bee pollen has many vitamins and nutrients that are required in order to sustain life as we know them. After going through numerous scientific tests, it was found that honeybee pollen is actually full of energizing materials and essential vitamins that the human body has to consume.

In fact, the honeybee pollen is not only full of nutritious vitamins it is also seemed to be filled with minerals that are known to be health beneficial, different enzymes, important amino acids and more. A more accurate description of its content would be to say that approximately 55 percent of the honey bee pollen is carbohydrates, 35 percent of it is proteins, and around 5-6 percent of it is fat acids and vitamins.

While the percentage of vitamins doesn't look high, it is a relatively big percentage that can make a significant improvement in a man's health (actually if the percentage of vitamins is too high, it can be bad for the body). Among the many bee pollen vitamins that exist in this material are a relatively large concentration (yet not large enough to risk one's health) of vitamin E and D (which are very important) and the vitamins B, C and A as well. The vitamin B, in particular, exists in high concentrations and most of the materials in nature don't usually contain the vitamin B in such a big percentage.

More of the interesting bee pollen benefits are interesting materials that have the healthy flavonoid antioxidant ingredients including myrcitein, quercetin rutin and more. On the other hand, it is important to stress that bees pollen can be quite different from each other if they don't originate from the same location. This is especially true if the geographic region is different and even a small drop in the temperatures can make a big difference on the pollen bee products' final results.

In general, it's best to consult your doctor before taking bee pollen supplements, but in most cases, a moderate intake of honeybee pollen will do only good to your health. In the next posts on this blog, hopefully in the near future, we'll discuss what are the bee pollen side effects and whether they exist or not.

For those interested in general information about healthy whole foods other than the data that is already presented here regarding the honeybee pollen health benefits, supplements and materials like the bee propolis you can check a nice site about whole foods here. Don't forget to care about your lifestyle and nutrition not only for yourself but also for your family.

Since this is the first post (which should stand last in the archive) you can browse to the next post which is about bee pollen supplements and contain additional information that might be of use to most of you reading this blog.